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Torticollis Relief in Saline

dad-kissing-new-baby-sq-400Torticollis is a condition that affects many infants, causing discomfort and potentially impacting their development. At ARC Chiropractic, we offer gentle, effective chiropractic care to help babies with torticollis achieve proper alignment and comfort.

Identifying Signs and Symptoms of Torticollis

Torticollis, often called “wry neck,” is characterized by a tilted and rotated head position. Common signs and symptoms include
  • Baby consistently favoring one side of the neck
  • Head tilted to one side with chin rotated to the opposite side
  • Difficulty turning the head
  • Preference for looking in one direction
  • Development of a flat spot on one side of the head (plagiocephaly)

These symptoms typically result from tight neck muscles, particularly the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid. Torticollis may result from positioning in the womb, birth trauma, or habitual sleeping positions.

Chiropractic Solutions for Infants

Our practice understands the concerns of parents dealing with torticollis. Dr. Childs uses a combination of hands-on techniques and tool-assisted methods, such as the Activator®, to provide the gentlest and most effective care for your baby.

Our techniques, specifically designed for infants, address neck stiffness with the following:

  • Gentle Adjustments—our very light adjustments release tension in the affected muscles and restore proper spinal alignment. These adjustments are so gentle that they’re comparable to the pressure you’d use to test the ripeness of a tomato.
  • Muscle Release Techniques—our focus is on releasing the tight muscles on the affected side while adjusting the opposite side to address rotational issues in the neck and upper back.
  • Personalized Care Plans—each baby’s case is unique, and we tailor our approach accordingly. Our plans typically range from 10 to 30 visits, with many babies showing significant improvement within 20 sessions or 1-2 months.
  • At-Home Techniques to Support Treatment—we give parents strategies to support their baby’s progress at home, including
    1. Using a small towel to slightly elevate the baby’s head on the affected side during sleep
    2. Positioning the baby to encourage looking in both directions during feeding and playtime
    3. Ensuring proper positioning in cribs and carriers to promote a neutral head position

Book an Appointment

If you suspect your baby may have torticollis, don’t wait to seek help. Contact ARC Chiropractic today to schedule a consultation and give your baby the gift of comfort and proper alignment.



Torticollis Relief Saline, MI | (734) 429-2410